Sunday, February 10, 2013

Busy Busy Busy

I just wanted to drop a line to let you know I'm still alive and kicking. The last few weeks have been very chaotic on the work and personal front. Lots and lots of stress but we know God is in control and we're hanging in there. I remind myself a little more of the old poster of the cat hanging on to the end of a rope by his last claw, that said "Hang in there, Friday's coming" than I'd like but it's still all OK.

In the midst of everything that's going on there have been huge blessings. For many years I've been involved with the JOY Class at our Church, this class is made up of our Senior Adults. They are so well named, they are certainly a JOY to me and my family. Their love is unconditional, they've walked so many of the paths we're on before us, they have been such a wonderful example of what a Christian walk should be, and they are ferocious prayer warriors. 3 of them in particular I've come to think of as the 3 Graces. Belva, Wanda and Alice I love you so much and I'll never be able to express how much your love and support means to me.

My own class at Church is just as wonderful. I've always said I couldn't imaging finding a more loving group of people, or a group you'd want in your corner more than the JOY Class...but as I was saying to my Mom the other day the Legacy Class is as loving as the JOY Class. We are so fortunate to be in the class. The people in there are so great and so caring. We have a wonderful teacher, Jon asks the hard questions and helps us see what God wants us to see and how it relates to our everyday life. We really support each other and watch out for each other. Mom's reply "you know yall are the next JOY Class" I don't know about anybody else but I think she's absolutely correct and I can't think of anyone else I'd rather be when I grow up.

I wrote the paragraphs above on Monday and saved it thinking I'd proof it and get it posted a little later. Here it is Sunday and I'm just now getting to it. I wasn't kidding when I titled this post Busy, Busy, Busy.

Looking back I see where as the week started getting crazier and crazier, the less time I spent with God. I started missing my daily devotionals and reading my Bible. No big deal right, it was just a few days. WRONG!!! As a result of my bad choices and not putting first things first, when the week got crazy, I wasn't where I needed to be with God, and I did not have my ears open to hear that still small voice to remind me to plug into God's power source, consequently I spent a frustrating week trying to handle things I was not equipped to handle on my own. This was my own fault, God was there ready to take on my battles, but I didn't have enough sense to ask Him to. I didn't plug into my power source. How silly and what a waste. 

My prayer for myself and for each of you this week is to make better choices put God first where he belongs and remember to stop and ask God for His help in dealing with whatever issues you have going on, all He's waiting on is an invitation. 

I'm hoping this video copies over, it's a powerful song. 

1 comment:

  1. Our sins are gone...I've been set free; My God my Savior has ransomed me. And like a flood His mercy reigns. Unending love; amazing grace. UNENDING LOVE, AMAZING GRACE!!
