Sunday, March 24, 2013

Hey, yeah you. Are you listening?

A while back I made a typical Christian comment about God telling me to do something or the other. I got a really strange look from a friend who then asked me "what do you mean by that? Do you mean an actual voice? I've heard that before from people but I've never known what they meant" I have to admit that set me back a minute and really made me think. I mean I know God talks to me regularly but how do I explain the how of that to someone else who apparently has never experienced it.  I told her that there were a variety of ways that God speaks to me. It's when I get a thought that I know isn't my own, or a thought that just keeps nagging at me. It's when the same thing keeps coming up from multiple sources. It's when somebody sings a song that God uses to speak to me and give me peace. Like when Casting Crowns sings "The Voice of Truth" I'm sure they're not thinking it could have anything to do dieting but for me, when I've just eaten and my stomach is growling, that song is God telling me to turn it over to him, not to listen to my stomach, it's lying, it just didn't like what I fed it, it's lobbying for chocolate not carrot sticks but I'm not in any danger of starvation, I need to ignore it and go to God for fulfillment. 

I habitually put in my ear piece and talk to my Mom while I'm driving to work. On the days I work in Georgetown that's a 35-45 min visit while I drive and chat with her. This is precious time to me. The other morning she had to be somewhere so I called a friend, she couldn't talk, I called someone else they couldn't talk either. The thought entered my head, Hey Rene why don't you spend this time time today talking to me? That was God, no doubt in my mind. I had the best time just talking to God, thanking Him for being so awesome, thanking Him for the miracles He's been working in Cliff and I's lives. I mean seriously, Cliff went to an interview that didn't exist, and was hired for a position that didn't exist, it was supposed to start in 10 days or so, it started in 3, he's been there for a couple of weeks and he's loving it. That's a God thing! It couldn't have been any clearer if He wrote it in neon on our bedroom ceiling.

I've never thought God was deaf so I've never seen the point for asking Him for the same thing in the same way over and over again, He heard it the first time. I don't mean I don't come back to Him and say you know bla bla, well it's still a problem for me how do you want me to handle it today or could you please hurry those people up they are taking way too long. We have some friends that have been going through a very rough patch lately and we promised to pray for them. It just seems ridiculous to repeat everyday "God please be with X and Y today and heal their marriage" In God and I's conversation that morning on the way to work He showed me that while praying for healing for their marriage is certainly valid and a good thing to pray, I could pray specifically that today they would be loving and lovable to each other. I could pray that they would each hear what the other was trying to say not just what was coming out of their mouth, that they would take things in the way they were meant not how they came across through their own filters but through God's. That they would have some time for themselves, separate from the kids where they could relax together and just be. Truthfully I really can't think of anyone's marriage that couldn't use a daily dose of any of those things but a couple that's struggling, yeah those would be really helpful.  

While we were talking for that 30 minutes God brought so many of my friends and family to my mind that needed prayer for this or that. He brought things to mind in my own life that need work and need His guidance, I was able to turn them over to Him and quit worrying about them. There is something so incredibly freeing to letting go and letting God deal with whatever it is. He's so much better equipped to deal with things than I am, I need to remember to daily, hourly, moment by moment ask Him what He wants me to do, ask Him for His wisdom in every situation, ask him to guard my heart, my thoughts and my words, and finally rely totally on His strength to deal with whatever challenges are coming my way. 

So... that's what God's been showing me lately, I'd love to hear what He's been sharing with you. Please feel free to comment and let us know.

The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.
Psalm 29:11

Do you know how the dictionary defines blessing? Something promoting or contributing to happiness, well-being, or prosperity; a boon.

I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed week.

1 comment:

  1. I love your prayer for the couple struggling! Seems more heartfelt and specific versus the repetition of "heal their marriage". I'm sure God being God, He hears both kinds of prayers, but for me personally, taking the time to pray for a specific part of a friends marriage everyday makes a lot of sense. Thanks for sharing!
